Class Action Settlement Provides $260,000 For Legal Services to Low Income People in Missouri
A $7.8 million class action lawsuit settlement obtained by St. Louis law firm Gray Ritter Graham and two other law firms, which has benefited thousands of customers of UMB Bank, is now also contributing over $258,000 to Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, which provides essential legal services to low-income individuals in the St. Louis region and the eastern half of the state. In 2011, Gray Ritter Graham, Steuve Siegel Hanson LLP, and Tycko & Zavareei settled a class action lawsuit against UMB Bank that claimed its customers were unfairly and deceptively charged overdraft fees. Current UMB customers had their settlement proceeds electronically deposited directly into their accounts. All other plaintiffs were mailed checks. Negotiated settlement terms called for funds equal to all settlement checks not presented for payment in one year be donated to the organization.