Graham Appointed to Lawyers Committee of the National Center for State Courts
Maurice B. Graham, president of Gray Ritter Graham, has been appointed as a member of the Lawyers Committee for the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). The NCSC is a non-profit organization charged with improving judicial administration in the United States and around the world by providing leadership and service to state courts. It functions as a think-tank, a library, a consulting firm for the courts, an advocate for judicial and legislative reform, and a center of education in the field of judicial administration. All of NCSC's services — research, information services, education, consulting — are focused on helping courts plan, make decisions, and implement improvements that save time and money, while ensuring judicial administration that supports fair and impartial decision-making. The Lawyers Committee of NCSC is made up of leaders of preeminent law firms who partner with NCSC in building public understanding of the need for a strong and independent judiciary. The Lawyers Committee of NCSC works closely with the Conference of Chief Justices and the Conference of State Court Administrators.