Missouri Gov. Nixon Salutes Maurice Graham at 2010 Award of Honor Banquet
About 250 members of The Lawyers Association of St. Louis and their guests feted Maurice Graham April 24 at the Sheraton St. Louis City Center Hotel & Suites as he received the Award of Honor, the organization's most prestigious recognition. The award is given each year to an attorney "whose attainments as a trial lawyer and whose record of honorable service to the profession and whose career as a citizen merit such recognition." Firm Chairman Robert Ritter, a 2003 recipient of the Award of Honor, served as master of ceremonies for the evening. Highlights included Gov. Jay Nixon saluting Graham and his wife, Edna Mae, while their son, Lee, contributed his own congratulatory remarks live via satellite link from Malaysia where he now lives. Morry Cole also represented Gray Ritter Graham on the dais. A bit of history was made when Graham, Ritter and Charles Gray, Ritter's father-in-law who founded the firm in 1946, posed for photographs as all three are recipients of the Award of Honor.