
Filing Personal Injury Lawsuits in Missouri

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If you’ve been catastrophically injured by the negligence of others, Missouri lawmakers may make it more difficult for you to obtain justice from those responsible.

In a bill now making the rounds of the Capitol in Jefferson City, some legislators want to reduce the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit from the current five years to just three years.  That would mean the injured party or family members must take legal action three years from the day of the accident.  If not, the injured plaintiff loses the chance to pursue fair and just compensation from all those who caused the accident.

Missouri Brain Injury Lawsuit

When people are seriously injured by the negligence of others, they have the legal right to sue those responsible for their injuries.  Preventable accidents that leave someone with permanent brain damage or debilitating spinal cord injuries, like those suffered in a car wreck, are frequent causes for a personal injury lawsuit.

Personal injury lawsuits are based on the concept of fairness.  Those seriously hurt through no fault of their own and facing a lifetime of costly medical care deserve to be compensated for the physical and mental anguish they and their loved ones suffer.

Compensation in personal injury lawsuits may also cover a person’s lost income and future earnings, pain, diminished quality of life, and many other life-changing challenges.

Compensation for Those Seriously Injured by Others

Personal injury lawsuits not only seek to identify and hold accountable those responsible for a specific incident, in many cases they can help prevent others from suffering the same injuries in the future.  Often times personal injury lawsuit verdicts and settlements, in addition to providing financial compensation to innocent victims, change the behavior of companies that had been acting irresponsibly prior to the litigation.

The proposed shorter statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits in Missouri is unfair for several reasons.

The arbitrary three-year deadline is an effort to restrict individual rights. Those calling for this new measure are favoring corporate interests over injured Missourians and their protected remedy of obtaining just compensation from businesses that act badly.

Personal injury cases can be complex.  Gray Ritter Graham has a great deal of experience in handling complex and catastrophic personal injury lawsuits.  We know they pose unique challenges.  In these serious and complex cases, it may require extensive time to locate and interview expert witnesses as well as conduct thorough testing to adequately represent the legal rights of the seriously injured.

There should be no forced short cuts when the stakes are so high and the personal injuries suffered so great.  The rights of corporations need not supersede the rights of injured individuals.

If you or a loved one were catastrophically injured due to someone else’s carelessness, don’t hesitate to act.  Contact an experienced Missouri personal injury lawyer to review your case and begin your pursuit for fair and just compensation.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements.

Authored by Gray Ritter Graham, posted in Articles March 5, 2018

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