Experienced Counsel in Accident Claims Involving Motor Vehicle Fires
The blunt-force injuries that result from a collision between motor vehicles are bad enough on their own. When those injuries are compounded by severe burns caused by a fuel-fed fire after the impact, the consequences for those injured can be catastrophic.
If you are facing product liability issues related to a motor vehicle fire, contact the St. Louis law firm of Gray Ritter Graham, for a free consultation. Our decades of experience with serious injury claims can help you recover the compensation you need when car crash injuries are complicated by burns suffered through gas or diesel fires.
The risk of serious burns caused by a ruptured gas tank in a collision has been considerably reduced through advances in automotive design, but some models continue to have a heightened risk of a fire or explosion either through insufficient protection of the gas tank itself, or through lack of a stop valve that will prevent fuel from spilling through a compromised tank or fuel line.
GRG trial lawyers are experienced in proving product liability and negligence in traffic accidents involving cars, trucks or other commercial vehicles. Our ability to pursue product liability claims against a negligent manufacturer for the injuries caused by a defective fuel system design can make a crucial difference in recovering just compensation in a severe burn injury case.
For additional information about the ways GRG clients benefit from our experience with complex personal injury and wrongful death litigation, contact our office in St. Louis for a free consultation.