Protecting Injured Crane Accident Victims and Their Families
Although cranes are essential to many large-scale construction projects, they are also extremely dangerous, causing hundreds of serious injuries every year. If you have been seriously injured or lost a loved one due to a crane accident, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries or losses. Talk with an attorney from the law firm of Gray Ritter Graham, in St. Louis, Missouri.
At Gray Ritter Graham, we have been helping injured accident victims obtain compensation for their injuries since 1946. In those years, our St. Louis crane injury lawyers have seen crane accidents with many different causes. Some of the most common causes of crane accidents include:
- Crumbling boom arm
- Crane collapse
- Crane tip over caused by high winds, poor placement or product defect
- Crane malfunctions
- Assembly or disassembly errors
We help obtain compensation for families of wrongful death crane accident victims.
Because of their size and weight, crane accidents usually involve injuries that are catastrophic and often fatal. We represent clients with catastrophic injuries and families of wrongful death victims. We handle these sensitive matters with professionalism and skill, and we do everything we can to achieve justice for our clients.
Contact a GRG Attorney
If you have suffered injuries or the death of a loved one in a crane accident, our experienced personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation. There is no cost to talk with one of our lawyers and learn about your options. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.