
St. Louis Wrongful Death Attorney

The lawyers and staff at Gray Ritter Graham feel deep empathy for those who lose loved ones under wrongful circumstances. These cases are always emotionally trying and immensely important—you deserve justice, and we want to help. Let a St. Louis wrongful death attorney from our team be a source of strength and service as you work through your loss.

Our firm has recovered billions in settlements and verdicts for our clients. Just as critically, we understand the style of compassionate but effective representation wrongful death victims need. Call Gray Ritter Graham today at (314) 241-5620 for a free consultation about hiring a St. Louis wrongful death attorney.

Wrongful Death Cases: Difficult, Necessary, and High-Stakes

When you lose a loved one, particularly suddenly or unexpectedly, grief can be all you experience. Thinking about anything but the pain of your loss can be immensely difficult—as a firm that has represented many clients affected by wrongful deaths; we get it.

That said, wrongful death lawsuits are necessary because:

  • You deserve to have justice for your loss (while money is no replacement for your loved one, it can be a significant help and hold liable parties responsible).
  • The pain and suffering from a wrongful death must be accounted for, and a settlement or verdict can also fund treatment for your grief.
  • You may face significant financial hardship due to the wrongful death, and your lawsuit may provide much-needed financial relief.

Wrongful death lawsuits are time-sensitive, as Missouri statutes impose deadlines for filing wrongful death cases. Our team likely also needs to collect evidence of negligence, and waiting to hire our firm can cause important evidence to be lost, disposed of, or erased.

We want you to be with your loved ones and work through the challenges of your loss. Allow a St. Louis wrongful death attorney from Gray Ritter Graham to lead your fight for justice.

How Do I Know If I Have a Wrongful Death Case?

You likely have grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit if your loved one’s passing resulted from negligence.

You know that negligence happened if:

  • Someone owed your loved one a duty of care (meaning they needed to act reasonably in a certain circumstance)
  • The person breached their duty of care to your loved one (meaning they acted unreasonably)
  • The breach of duty of care caused an event or circumstance that caused harm to your loved one
  • Your loved one and you suffered damages because the negligent party breached their duty of care

For example, consider that a doctor provided care to your loved one. If that doctor failed to take your loved one’s complaints about a symptom seriously, and the symptom was the sign of a fatal ailment, the doctor likely violated their duty of care.

Allow the team at Gray Ritter Graham to review your circumstances and explain whether you have grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in St. Louis?

Missouri Law entitles several individuals to file a wrongful death lawsuit, though eligibility can vary based on your unique circumstances.

You may hire us to lead a wrongful death if your relation to the deceased is:

  • A spouse
  • A child (biological or adopted)
  • A parent
  • A sibling

If you are a life partner, dependent, or have another close relationship with the deceased, speak with our team. We understand the complex laws surrounding wrongful death cases in Missouri, and we can quickly explain whether you have grounds for legal action.

Why Gray Ritter Graham Is the Clear Choice for Your St. Louis Wrongful Death Attorney

The name Gray Ritter Graham is well-known in St. Louis. Our firm is embedded in the community, and our office on Market St. makes us easily accessible to our clients in the city.

There are many reasons to hire our firm when you want justice for a wrongful death. Some of the most common benefits our clients cite when they choose Gray Ritter Graham include:

  • More than $7 billion in total settlements and verdicts: It’s difficult to find any firm in St. Louis with a record of results that matches ours. We have not obtained more than $7 billion for our clients by accident. Through sharp legal strategies, a relentless work ethic, and an unrivaled commitment to our clients, we have helped many victims of negligence secure the compensation they deserve.
  • Individual case results that command attention: While more than $7 billion in results is telling, it does not tell the story. We have delivered substantial impact for individual clients, including recoveries of $1.51 billion, $750 million, $400 million, $217.7 million, and $47 million. Considering the expensive toll of a wrongful death, these individual results are worth your attention.
  • More than 75 years fighting for our clients: We have been serving clients since 1946. Our attorneys have stayed ahead of the curve as times and laws have changed. Yet, in the many decades since we’ve opened our doors, one fact has remained: Those who lose a loved one need compassionate, reliable legal service from attorneys who care.
  • Ample experience leading wrongful death cases: Wrongful death cases have an added importance. You have lost someone you love, and a lawsuit may be your only way to feel that some justice has been done. Hire a law firm with a history of helping grieving clients secure compensation, bringing some relief during a tough time.
  • Unparalleled client service (and boundless compassion): Gray Ritter Graham is synonymous with high-level client service. Service to clients becomes particularly important in the wake of a wrongful death. Our firm will treat you as our family, showing compassion when you need it the most. Expect frequent updates, but also respect your privacy and mourning process.
  • Personalized representation: Our clients are people with unique stories, damages, and needs from their lawyers. We listen, tailor our representation to fit you, and provide a one-of-a-kind experience for which you will be grateful.

You will come to our firm until immensely difficult circumstances. We will do everything we can to make your wrongful death case as stress-free and seamless as possible. Our team will handle as much of the legal process as possible, sparing you distress and allowing you to focus on your well-being.

Our Fee Structure Works for Clients Facing Financial Uncertainty

Losing a loved one causes financial uncertainty through:

  • Direct expenses related to the wrongful death, such as medical bills and funeral costs
  • Loss of financial support, including the decedent’s income
  • Survivors’ inability to perform their usual duties (possibly including their jobs) due to grief and other challenges

Furthermore, if the parent of a child passes away, the surviving parent may face childcare costs due to no longer having the other parent’s help.

The attorneys are Gray Ritter Graham understand how stressful this time is for you, and we will spare you from further financial worry by:

  • Covering all expenses related to your wrongful death case
  • Only accepting a fee if we secure a settlement or verdict for you
  • Investing our ample resources into your case, as we intend to secure the financial settlement or verdict you are entitled to

Our firm is more than willing to offer this client-focused fee structure because we are confident that we will succeed for you. A win for you is a win for us, so you can bet we will work hard to secure the financial recovery you deserve.

How We Fight for Those Affected by Wrongful Deaths in St. Louis

Completing a wrongful death case requires familiarity with the client’s story (and the decedent’s life), attention to detail, familiarity with Missouri law, consistency, and prolonged effort.

A successful wrongful death case also requires investment by the parties bringing the case—in this case, Gray Ritter Graham. As you come to terms with your loss and spend time with your loved ones, your St. Louis wrongful death attorney from our firm will:

Learn How Your Loved One’s Passing Has Affected You (and Document Your Losses)

Our team will listen to your account of how your loved one’s passing has taken a toll on you and your loved ones.

Your attorney will obtain all available documentation of your recoverable damages, which may include:

  • A mental health service provider’s diagnosis of your grief, depression, and other types of pain and suffering
  • Invoices related to your loved one’s funeral service
  • Your testimony about pain and suffering, changes in your household, and other losses caused by your loved one’s passing
  • Proof of the decedent’s income 

A wrongful death has a complex effect on survivors, and we will secure proof of the many types of damages you have suffered.

Determine Who Is Financially Responsible for the Wrongful Death

Our firm has secured billions of dollars for clients by identifying liable parties. We will evaluate relevant facts and evidence to determine who owes you compensation for your loss.

Examples of parties who can be liable for a wrongful death include:

  • An insurance company
  • A motorist
  • A doctor
  • A property owner

The specific details of your loved one’s loss will dictate who must pay for the pain and other hardships you face.

Calculate the Value of Your Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Your attorney from Gray Ritter Graham intends to secure a fair settlement for you and your loved ones. That means we must calculate the exact financial value of your economic and non-economic damages.

Our attorneys are urgent but careful when calculating the value of clients’ cases. When we begin negotiating a settlement, we will be 100 percent certain that we are seeking fair compensation for you.

Deal with Insurance Companies and Civil Defense Lawyers

We will determine whether to pursue an insurance claim (or multiple claims) or file a lawsuit in pursuit of your financial recovery.

In either case, our team will handle communications with:

  • Insurance representatives
  • Civil defense lawyers
  • All other parties involved in your case

By leading communications, we will protect you from any parties who might otherwise violate your rights, badger you, or engage in other undesirable ways.

Negotiate a Settlement on Your Behalf

The attorneys at Gray Ritter Graham have a lengthy track record of securing fair (and often large) settlements for our clients. Settling is often the preferred way to resolve a wrongful death case, as you can get a fair recovery more quickly than if your case goes to trial.

Of course, your St. Louis wrongful death lawyer will only advise you to settle if you receive a fair offer. We will evaluate every offer with you, and you will decide whether to settle or have us take your case to trial.

Proceed with the Legal Process, Including Any Necessary Trial 

Our attorneys are fixtures in St. Louis’ civil courts. We have obtained many large judgments for clients in many different circumstances.

If your case requires a lawsuit and trial, you will have chosen the right firm in Gray Ritter Graham.

Damages You May Suffer When a Loved One Passes Away

Losing a loved one causes immense pain and can cause many different damages, including:

  • Pain and suffering, which will certainly include the grief you suffer when a loved one is gone forever
  • Loss of consortium, which can include non-economic losses like the loss of a spouse’s support
  • Lost financial support, including but not limited to the loss of the decedent’s income and their contributions to their household
  • Funeral costs, as well as the cost of burying or cremating the decedent

Many of our clients also face burdensome medical bills. Our goal is that you won’t pay a dime for any loss resulting from your loved one’s tragic passing.

Call Gray Ritter Graham Today for Your Free, No-Obligation Consultation

We know you are suffering grief, and we want you to have the space to process your loss. However, you must recognize the time-sensitive nature of wrongful death cases.

Call Gray Ritter Graham today at (314) 241-5620 for a free consultation about hiring a St. Louis wrongful death lawyer.

Our St. Louis Office Location

701 Market St.,
Ste. 800 St. Louis,
MO 63101

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