April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a nationwide call to focus on the dangers of drivers who recklessly don’t focus on the road ahead. When it comes to distracted truck drivers, that dangerous behavior apparently is just the tip of the iceberg.
In the most comprehensive look at fatal truck accidents to date, the Large Truck Causation Study pointed to human error as a primary cause. Bad decisions lead to catastrophic truck wrecks. It is not only a bad decision by truckers to use a cell phone while they drive but one that goes against federal regulations. And also one that ...
In their attempts to be more cost efficient and boost their bottom lines, hospitals also may endanger their patients.
Corporations often merge or buy smaller companies. The goal is to gain more customers while streamlining costs. America’s healthcare industry is no different. In St. Louis and other cities, hospital operators have dwindled as healthcare systems merge or purchase other providers.
A new study looked at how hospital mergers and acquisitions affect patient care. It examined patient safety at Harvard-related health facilities across the country, speaking with ...
Common perceptions today are that distracted drivers cause catastrophic accidents and distracted driving is on the rise. New information transitions these assumptions into reality.
The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration earlier this month released its latest report on distracted drivers. The data come from 2016; the most recent year final numbers are available. And despite increased warnings, the number of fatal crashes caused by distracted drivers continues to be significant.
Number of Fatal Accidents Caused by Distracted Drivers Remains High
In 2016, 9 ...
Problems with electronic health records – both in their design and how healthcare providers use them – can lead to serious medical errors.
Electronic health records have largely replaced patient paper charts. The potential benefits of EHRs are clear: they are easily accessible by multiple professionals simultaneously; they can contain much more information than paper records; they can streamline care.
Now there are warning signs that these digital healthcare records also expose patients to serious and preventable harm.