Apparently there are a growing number of commercial truck drivers speeding, and many today barreling down the highway with bad brakes.
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the number of speeding truckers is on a distinctly upward trend. Speeding tickets (federal and state) given to commercial truck drivers in the United States jumped 7.8% in 2018 over 2017. And 2017 saw a 1.1% increase in truck driver speeding violations over the year prior, with 2016 nearly a 10% hike compared to 2015.
Rise in Speeding Tickets Given to Commercial Truck Drivers
All totaled ...
Missouri hospitals rank in the bottom half of all U.S. states for patient safety, with far less than one-third of the facilities achieving the highest grade in this regard.
The fall rankings for U.S. hospitals were recently published by the Leapfrog Group, a nonprofit organization that highlights dangerous medical errors. It issues twice-yearly hospital safety grades, with “A” being the best grade and “F” a failing grade.
Per the newly released rankings, Missouri is number 29, with just under 28% of the Show Me State’s hospitals earning an “A” grade. (Maine came in at ...
Walkers, bike riders and those in crashes with commercial trucks all had something tragic in common in 2018: more of them died in traffic accidents than the year prior.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently released its report on fatal motor vehicle accidents in 2018. While there was some good news – an overall drop in traffic fatalities of 2.4% over 2017 – it has to be put into some perspective. The NHTSA reports that even with that drop 36,560 people died in car crashes and commercial truck accidents in 2018.
According to the NHTSA, bicyclist deaths increased ...
While one leading patient safety organization recently reported on medical errors made at same-day surgery facilities, another recently published its report on common and dangerous medical mistakes made during other outpatient care.
In October the Leapfrog Group, a nonprofit that rates hospitals for patient safety, entered new waters with a report on patient safety in outpatient surgery centers across the country. The organization had concerns over some of its findings.
About the same time the ECRI Institute released a more comprehensive look at patient safety in U.S ...