Add one more event mothballed because of the COVID-19 pandemic: A nationwide effort to find truckers who are driving carelessly.
This month was supposed to be National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. It was shelved. Truckers who are driving distracted was one focus of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s International Roadcheck, scheduled for May 5-7. The CVSA in late March announced it was postponing this safety event.
The CVSA is a nonprofit organization of safety and law enforcement officials whose mission is to make trucking safer throughout North America. One way ...
A medical malpractice insurance company recently published a study of medical malpractice lawsuits over anesthesiologists’ mistakes. It’s a follow-up to a previous study the company conducted and shows not much has changed. Patients still die at a relatively high rate from this type of surgical error.
In February the Doctors Company released the findings of its latest research (“Anesthesiology Closed Claims Study”). It includes resolved anesthesia medical malpractice lawsuits for the years 2013 through 2018. It is a comparative look at its previous study for such ...
April was supposed to be National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. But as with so many other things in today’s world, this 30-day educational effort for one of the most dangerous and negligent driving behaviors has been postponed. Despite there being fewer cars on the road for the time being, distracted driving still poses an especially high risk to others in Missouri.
Missouri a “Worst State” for Distracted Driving
Missouri is one of the “top” states for distracted driving. analyzed several sources of data, including statistics from the National ...
The COVID-19 pandemic is a healthcare crisis of unimaginable scope, but some good may come from these difficult times. One example may be a heightened awareness of the need for good personal hygiene and cleaning in our hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
Of the various types of serious and preventable medical errors, perhaps the one posing the greatest fatal risk is a hospital-acquired infection (HAI). This is exactly what it sounds like: A patient incurs an infection during a hospital stay for medical treatment.