Distracted driving is a known cause of serious motor vehicle crashes. Unfortunately, a recent report indicates that distracted driving is on the rise.
In March Travelers Insurance released its “2021 Travelers Risk Index,” a survey of drivers that focused on distracted driving. It found a higher level of distracted drivers on the roads now as compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic, based on its “2020 Travelers Risk Index” survey.
Drivers Using Cell Phones
The survey responses indicate a significant uptick in dangerous driving as:
· 26% said they have texted or emailed ...
About one out every five patients suffers disabling injuries or death following surgery from anesthesia issues that should have been addressed by healthcare providers. This is based on a new study of anesthesia medical malpractice lawsuits.
Anesthesiologists provide sedation medication necessary for most operations. They may also monitor patients following a procedure.
Safe Anesthesia Care
The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation is an organization focused on improving the safety of patients during anesthesia care. On its website it features its list of top 10 priorities ...
How many unsafe big-rig and commercial truck drivers can be found on the road in a week? According to a group of experts, over 10,000!
The Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Alliance is a nonprofit coalition of safety officials, law enforcement and trucking industry representatives in North America. Its goal is to make commercial trucking safer.
CVSA hosts a series of annual events designed to prevent some of the most common causes of serious truck crashes, including:
· Tired truckers
· Speeding truck drivers
During these events law enforcement officials encounter ...