Speeding is a careless driving behavior that can cause serious crashes. An organization focused on preventing catastrophic truck accidents recently revealed just how prevalent speeding drivers are today.
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance is an organization focused on commercial trucking safety. In July 2022 it held Operation Safe Driver Week, an annual event designed to stop dangerous drivers. CVSA announced the results in late November.
Law enforcement in the United States and Canada cited commercial truck drivers and passenger drivers for unsafe driving – more than ...
A 2016 study concluded that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. New research concludes that nearly a quarter of all hospital patients suffer harm from a medical error.
The 2016 Johns Hopkins study (“Medical Error—The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US”) found that medical errors are responsible for 250,000 patient deaths each year. Only heart disease and cancer cause more deaths annually, according to the study.
Serious Medical Errors Made in Hospitals
Common, serious medical errors made in hospitals include:
Drivers readily identify dangerous behaviors that lead to serious accidents, yet a significant portion admit to doing them.
Fatal car crashes in this country have increased. In September the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued a report on fatal motor vehicle accidents in 2020, the most recent year with final data (“2020 Summary of Motor Vehicle Crashes”). The report notes that 2020 deaths in car and truck crashes climbed nearly 7% compared to 2019.
It also notes a significant year-to-year increase in the number of deaths involving speeding drivers ...
New evidence suggests that misdiagnoses occur in emergency rooms frequently, and often with deadly consequences.
Misdiagnosis is a common medical error. According to the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine, 12 million U.S. patients every year suffer from a missed, delayed or incorrect diagnosis. SIMD asserts that misdiagnoses likely cause more patient harm than all other medical errors combined.
Fatal ER Diagnostic Errors
Recently released research further documents the catastrophic harm caused by diagnostic errors.
The mission of the federal Agency for Healthcare ...