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St. Louis Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical malpractice is a devastating—and far too common—type of negligence that leaves victims seriously injured, sick, and deceased. These tragic and preventable outcomes occur when medical providers and others in the healthcare sector fail to exercise caution and due diligence.

If you or a loved one suffered an adverse health outcome that you believe resulted from medical malpractice, hire a law firm with a record of recoveries that few can match. Call Gray Ritter Graham today at (314) 241-5620 for your free consultation about hiring a St. Louis medical malpractice lawyer.

Understanding Medical Malpractice in St. Louis

Medical malpractice, sometimes referred to as “med mal” for short, refers to cases of negligence specific to the healthcare sector.

To understand medical malpractice, then, you must understand that negligence means:

  • Someone (in this case, a medical provider, facility, or other party in healthcare) owes another person a duty of care
  • By acting unreasonably, the party with a duty of care breaches their duty to the other party (in most cases, a patient)
  • The breach of the duty of care causes some type of harm to the affected party
  • The affected party (you) suffers identifiable harm as a result of the liable party’s breach of duty of care

In simpler terms, medical malpractice happens when a medical provider’s careless, reckless, or merely unreasonable actions cause harm to a patient. Some examples may help you understand medical malpractice even more.

Common Examples of Medical Malpractice

Much can go wrong in the medical field. However, several types of errors qualify as malpractice. You may be the victim of medical malpractice if you suffered harm due to:

  • Delayed diagnosis
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Failure to diagnose
  • Recommendation of an unnecessary or dangerous treatment
  • Failure to act appropriately when you voice a concern or present symptoms
  • Failure to warn you about risks
  • Direct causation of injury, such as a surgical error or birth injury
  • Anesthesia error
  • Infection resulting from unsanitary conditions
  • Medication errors
  • Failure to follow up
  • Misinterpretation of imaging or test results
  • Injury caused by a defective medical device
  • Any other fatal or non-fatal error that resulted in harm to you or a loved one

If you suffered harm and know or suspect that anyone in the healthcare ecosystem directly or indirectly caused the harm, speak with Gray Ritter Graham today. A St. Louis medical malpractice lawyer from our team will review your case efficiently and lead any medical malpractice case you are eligible to pursue.

What to Do If You Suspect You’re the Victim of Medical Malpractice

If you suspect harm from medical malpractice:

  • Speak with Gray Ritter Graham as soon as possible: Missouri statutes generally impose a filing deadline for medical malpractice cases. You may have only two years from the date of the malpractice to file a lawsuit, and your deadline can be closer than you suspect. Don’t wait to speak with our team so we can start your case as soon as possible.
  • Continue seeking medical care and mental health treatment: If you need medical treatment or mental health services to address the effects of malpractice, continue seeking that care. Our attorneys will work urgently to secure compensation covering such care, and your health must continue to come first.
  • Document your losses and challenges: Documenting your malpractice-related losses is a critical aspect of your case. Keep any medical records, bills, and other documentation related to the effects of malpractice. You may also keep a written record of the pain, mental health challenges, and other hardships you face because of the malpractice.

The road ahead will become significantly clearer as soon as you hire Gray Ritter Graham. A St. Louis med mal lawyer from our team will provide trustworthy advice. All you need to do is trust our guidance and continue to recover from the effects of healthcare providers’ failures.

We Represent Victims of Fatal and Non-Fatal Medical Malpractice

The medical malpractice lawyers at Gray Ritter Graham have recovered billions of dollars for our clients, and that includes many clients harmed by medical malpractice.

Our case history includes large recoveries for clients:

  • Injured due to medical malpractice
  • Sickened (or subjected to a worsened illness) due to medical malpractice
  • Deprived of a loved one due to malpractice-related wrongful deaths

Whatever the consequences of medical providers’ malpractice are for you, the attorneys at Gray Ritter Graham will fight for a just legal outcome.

Why Gray Ritter Graham Is Qualified to Lead Your Med Mal Case in St. Louis

Few firms serving St. Louis can match the resume, client service, and overall value of Gray Ritter Graham. Choose your St. Louis medical malpractice attorney from our highly accomplished law firm because:

  • We are a fixture in St. Louis, serving clients for more than 75 years: Our firm opened its doors in 1946. Since then, we have amassed a rich history of close relationships with clients, impressive case results, and countless lives changed through legal settlements and verdicts. Working at Gray Ritter Graham is an honor, and we strive to deliver the best legal services in St. Louis.
  • Our clients are family: Despite our large verdicts and big-firm resources, our culture feels like a tight-knit family—and that extends to you as a client. We know clients’ names, understand their unique challenges, show boundless compassion, and take a you-first approach to client care. 
  • We have obtained more than $7 billion for clients, including medical malpractice victims: We challenge any law firm to match our case results. While we know that clients come to us for guidance, peace of mind, and many other benefits, your case result matters most. Our firm has completed precedent-setting litigation including several multi-million-dollar verdicts and settlements in medical malpractice cases.
  • Gray Ritter Graham’s clients are our staunchest advocates: Clients are the priority at Gray Ritter Graham, and our reviews prove it. Any law firm can talk themselves up, but testimonials from our former clients show that we fulfill our promise to put your interests above everything else.

When you weigh all the facts and information, the question becomes: Why wouldn’t you hire Gray Ritter Graham to lead your medical malpractice lawsuit in St. Louis?

We Know Medical Providers in St. Louis (and Their Histories of Malpractice)

Being a fixture in St. Louis, our medical malpractice attorneys are familiar with the prominent medical providers in the city. We have litigated against some of these providers, which include:

  • Christian Hospital
  • Barnes-Jewish Hospital
  • Missouri Baptist Medical Center
  • St. Louis Children’s Hospital
  • SSM Health St. Louis University Hospital
  • Mercy Hospital South
  • Kindred Hospital St. Louis
  • Mercy Hospital St. Louis

These are just some of the largest medical providers in St. Louis. Medical malpractice can happen at healthcare providers of any size, in any corner of the city. If you or a loved one have suffered an injury because of any medical shortcoming, allow our firm to seek justice for your damages.

Medical Malpractice Cases Can Be Complicated (Let Us Handle It)

There are many reasons to allow an experienced St. Louis med mal lawyer from Gray Ritter Graham to handle your case. Unlike a car accident or property insurance claim, a medical malpractice case is far more complex, time intensive, and likely more high stakes.

Let our team lead your fight for compensation because of:

The Highly Technical Nature of Medicine

Before discussing litigation, you must acknowledge that the medical field is complicated. Understanding medical concepts, terminology, procedures, and standards of care requires substantial research.

Our medical malpractice attorneys:

  • Have invested many hours of their time into medical malpractice cases
  • Have a strong understanding of concepts specific to medical malpractice lawsuits
  • Work directly with accomplished medical experts to ensure our cases are technically sound and legally compelling

When we hire a medical expert, it comes at no additional cost to you. Our goal is to secure a fair (and likely large) recovery for you, and compelling expert testimony is often a part of a winning case strategy.

Medical Providers’ Insurance Providers and Lawyers

Those who are in the medical field long enough will, in most cases, eventually face allegations of malpractice. Providers in St. Louis prepare for this likelihood by:

  • Maintaining medical malpractice insurance (which affords them the protection of the insurance provider)
  • Having attorneys who are prepared to defend the provider against allegations of malpractice

Gray Ritter Graham always expects a fight when filing a medical malpractice claim for our clients. No matter what insurance providers or attorneys the liable party has, you are in capable hands with our firm representing you.

The Importance of a Catastrophic Injury Designation

Whether or not a malpractice-related injury qualifies as catastrophic can have a direct effect on how much compensation you can claim, per Missouri insurance laws. Our attorneys’ history representing clients with catastrophic injuries may prove valuable as we fight for all the compensation you deserve.

Any lawsuit or claim is complicated by nature. You will be seeking compensation from one or more parties that likely do not want to pay. The medical aspects of your case will only heighten its complexity. Allow our competent, proven, knowledgeable lawyers to fight for the compensation you deserve in St. Louis.

How Our Attorneys Seek Justice for Medical Providers’ Negligence

The Gray Ritter Graham team will lead every step of your medical malpractice claim or lawsuit. Though every case has different wrinkles, demands, and considerations, we generally assist victims of medical malpractice by:

Documenting the Medical Malpractice in St. Louis

Your attorney will quickly secure any evidence of malpractice, and urgency is important because:

  • Liable parties may have evidence that they could dispose of
  • Some types of evidence are time sensitive, like witness accounts (which can fade over time)
  • Securing evidence of malpractice is a critical step we must complete before moving forward with your case

We will seek any medical records, expert insights, and other evidence that helps prove you are the victim of medical malpractice.

Documenting Your Malpractice-Related Damages

Your St. Louis medical malpractice lawyer will detail your damages using:

  • Medical bills for care you’ve undergone because of the health effects of malpractice
  • Mental health experts’ testimony about how malpractice has affected you psychologically and emotionally
  • Proof of lost income and any other damages you’ve suffered due to malpractice

Medical negligence can affect you physically, financially, psychologically, and in many other ways. We will document every type of harm caused by medical wrongdoing.

Calculating Your Case Value and Seeking a Settlement

Our firm often succeeds in negotiating fair settlements for clients. We will compile evidence of malpractice, proof of your damages, and a precise calculation of your case value. We will then demand that the healthcare provider’s insurance company, or the provider themselves, pays you a fair settlement.

Proceeding with Any Necessary Lawsuit or Trial

If you need to sue for a fair financial recovery, we will file a lawsuit and take your case to trial, if necessary.

The team at Gray Ritter Graham will oversee every detail of your case from the moment you hire us. We want you to focus on health and recovery while we take complete ownership of your case.

Damages That Entitle You to Compensation

Medical malpractice often has catastrophic consequences that can include:

  • Medical costs that would have been avoided if the healthcare provider were not negligent
  • Pain and suffering
  • The cost of mental health services for the trauma you’ve suffered
  • Lost income
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • The economic and non-economic cost of disabling injury and illness

If you have lost a loved one, we will evaluate the cost of the wrongful death (which we are certain is immense).

Call An Experienced St. Louis Med Mal Attorney Today for Your Free Consultation

Our law firm has earned your attention through billions of dollars recovered and a reputation for elite client service. Let us earn your trust by fighting for every dollar you deserve and treating you like family.

Call Gray Ritter Graham today at (314) 241-5620 for your free consultation about hiring a St. Louis personal injury attorney.

Our St. Louis Office Location

701 Market St.,
Ste. 800 St. Louis,
MO 63101

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