When over-the-road trucks and other large commercial vehicles are involved in accidents, the consequences can be devastating. Just take a quick look over a recent six-day period in July:
• Faulty brakes were cited as the reason for a dump truck accident that resulted in the death of the driver in Akron, Ohio on July 10. According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, which inspected the truck following the accident, the truck's brakes were "ineffective." Police estimate the truck was travelling 50 mph when it struck a tree and flipped over into the Cuyahoga River.
• Vancouver, British Columbia experienced dump truck accident deaths on consecutive days. On July 11, an industrial worker was killed when a dump truck backed over him. The previous day, a man was killed when a gravel truck bed elevated and buried the man under the truck's load.
• In Limon, Colorado, a 16-year-old boy was driving a tractor-trailer and struck and killed two women who were changing a flat tire on the highway. A 37-year-old man who was with the teenager initially claimed to be driving during the accident on July 15.
• On July 16, a truck driver in San Diego lost control of his rig when, according to police, he reached for fruit on the floor of his cab. Realizing his truck was on the sidewalk, he over-corrected and the double trailers he was pulling tipped over, spilling sulfuric acid and diesel fuel. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt but the potential for catastrophic damage and fatalities certainly was present.
As these examples illustrate, dangerous trucking and construction vehicle accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, and for a variety of reasons. So those sharing the road or worksite with them should always be mindful to give the trucks plenty of room. But when the negligent actions of a truck driver and/or a trucking company result in serious injury or wrongful death, they should be held accountable.
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